Request for donations

About donations

Target amount of donation:100 million yen
Donation start date:May 15th, 2021
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Request for donations for the establishment of ‘St. Mary of Hara Castle’

In July 2018, a new World Cultural Heritage was registered: the ‘Hidden Christian Sites in Nagasaki and Amakusa Region’ which also includes the ‘Remains of Hara Castle’ in Minami shimabara. Following this event the Citizens’ Association for Minamishimabara World Heritage started on its mission to create a community and town that can do justice to its world treasure. With the world in the midst of a pandemic this is a difficult time for everyone but we would truly appreciate your attention for our story below and support us with a donation.

<St. Mary’s statue of world peace and requiescats at Hara Castle>

In February 1981, sculptor Eiji Oyamatsu began carving the wooden statue of St. Mary, a magnificent work expressing his profound condolence to those who died at the Shimabara rebellion. Until today he has devoted his life to complete this work.

Forty years ago, Pope John Paul II came to Japan for the first time. It was a historical event, and his speech given here in Nagasaki touched people all over the world.
Sculptor Eiji Oyamatsu was one of many influenced by this event, and it triggered him to start on his life work, the ‘St. Mary of Hara Castle’.

Over 40 years of working on this statue created an intimate connection with the many unknown victims who died in Hara Castle in Minami-shimabara. He worked day after day, building the statue from many camphor trees which he purchased at great expense. The sounds of his hammer and chisel carving the wood became like the chanting of a requiem to the dead eventually rising to a statue of an imposing 10 meters in height.

As a wooden statue it is not only the largest work in the world, but from an artistic point of view also an extremely valuable one. It is a statue befitting the historical treasure in our town.

At the age of 87, and with the statue nearing completion, the sculptor experiences this final phase as the culmination of a life of dedication.
One last challenge remains as the massive statue must be transported across the country to its final destination in Minami-shimabara where the statue is to be housed and completed. For this to be realized we would like to ask for your financial support.

This statue of Mary was created for world peace and requiescats to those who died at Hara Castle.

The enthusiasm of the citizens and the sculptor’s earnest devotion to this project made it possible to prepare for the establishment of the statue in this town. We are certain that the statue will go beyond its artistic value to teach us the universal values of  compassion and peace. In a period of challenges to humankind, we find it all the more important to carry out this project.

A new history and a new future for Minamishimabara will begin after prayers of requiescats and the statue of St. Mary will become a new symbol of hope and an inspiration for the city’s residents and its visitors.
We sincerely ask for your support for the sculptor’s endeavor and our earnest desire to make difference for our town and the world.

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